Dev Gosine - Physics

Tutored in his early years by great men in the discipline of Physics, Dev, the D atom in the chemical DJF, was first inspired and motivated to humbly walk in the light that they shone.

Reflecting upon their rays, Dev accelerated his motion and extended his power to beyond the elastic limit.  

He emitted his own rays and the diverging beams persevered through the decades to magnetise and electrify all particles in his path as he applied heat to the matter.

Though Dev’s credentials, knowledge, critical thinking, and all other faculties of intelligence were important, they only whetted his teaching appetite. With unbounded kinetic energy, Dev defied friction and gravity, raised up and asked for more.

He sought from all cardinalities that which was necessary to improve on what was within and what was outside of the classroom, showing, by example his wards how to lead or follow or move out of the way.

His competitor remained himself, his philosophy, ‘I will do it better today than how I did yesterday and I will do it tomorrow better than I did it today.’

As is said in Latin, to be under the tutelage of Dev Gosine is ‘macte virtute et litteris, to grow in character and in learning.

Physics: Vacation Classes, July 2023

Classes start Monday 10th July

Classes are Monday to Thursday and will run for the first three (3) weeks of the vacation

Physics: Academic Year 2023-2024

For a given level, students must attend the two (2) sessions per week.

Scientific Activities

Talking with Space Shuttle Columbia