from excellent to exceptional...

Our Mission

Together Dev Gosine, Jamwant Maharaj and Fayad Ali redefined the word success. For the ‘Science Trinity’, it meant working together to bettering the accomplishments of students, the image of Naparima and the progress of a nation.

It is said that great players come in pairs. However, we came in a trio, inimitable, immutable and unflinching.

We knew that no one can whistle a symphony and that it takes a whole orchestra to play it. This band coming together was our beginning, staying and playing together was our progress, and together, delighting the audience was our success.

With contrasting teaching styles, a common vision, and a collaboration that was often silent, we allowed common students to attain uncommon results. Mediocrity was bartered for good, then good was exchanged for excellence. Still, we asked for more and distilled the excellent to become exceptional.

Up to today, we abide by the policy that any of the three of us can go very fast if we go alone. But, as always, we preferred to go far. So, we go together.

Over 120 years of combined teaching experience in delivering CSEC & CAPE syllabi.

Dev Gosine-Physics

Tutored in his early years by great men in the discipline of Physics, Dev, the D atom in the chemical DJF, was first inspired and motivated to humbly walk in the light that they shone.

Reflecting upon their rays, Dev accelerated his motion and extended his power to beyond the elastic limit….. 

Fayad Ali-Mathematics

“The Great Man’ held his first stick of chalk on October first 1976 and in that grasp was clasped the passion of a lifetime.

Forty-five years later he has helped to shape the minds of over fifty thousand students…..


Jamwant Maharaj-Chemistry

Of the chemical compound, JFD, which composed the ‘Science Trinity’, J stood for the Jamwant atom.

Known by many as the ‘Chemistry Raja’, the quiet and unassuming giant towers above the clouds with his immense knowledge, mastery and skill, possessing that warm, accessible and enthusiastic style in his delivery…..

Never Impose Limits on Students' Ability!!

Here is one of many examples of never imposing limits on a student’s ability.

Ignore everyone who tells you, that you are too young, or you cannot achieve this.

Once you conceive it and you believe it, we ensure you achieve it!!!

Daren Dhoray is an IT Professional with over twenty years of industry experience. He holds a BSc of Computer Studies & Management (UWI) as well as a MA Creative Design & Entrepreneurship from the same.

Daren is studying for his Certificate in Corporate Digital Transformation at Stanford University which he hopes to complete at the end of 2021.

He has focused his studies on Internet related technologies which has led to his current role as a member of the management team at Campus IT Services at the UWI St. Augustine Campus. There he has oversight on Enterprise Applications used by the campus.

Daren is also the Founder and Digital Anthropologist at the CyberSafeTT Foundation, a non-profit organization with a mission to educate students, parents and teachers on Cyber Safety, Cyber Bullying, Internet Addiction and Social Media Etiquette.

Recently Daren was invited to be a part of the Facebook Community Standards Regional Group where he has the opportunity to shape online safety standards for regional users on the Facebook platform. Daren generously gives of his time to assist many schools including his alma mater Naparima College in the area of website development and online learning. 


At WeXL Online , we recognise the need for connectivity as it is imperative for online learning. It is for this reason we have partnered with Airlink.

This company provides connectivity to geographical areas, where other companies will not serve, as these companies perceive these areas to be uneconomically viable.

At WeXL Online, we believe every child should be given the opportunity to access online content regardless of their geographical location. It is gratifying to know that Airlink can fulfill that need.

Rotary Club of San Fernando South

It is said that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Having being at the forefront of online education for decades, WeXL Online saw the need to provide training for teachers, so that they can become more effective in the delivery of their curriculum by using easily accessible online productivity tools.
This training has certainly boost the confidence levels of teachers in their delivery of synchronous classes.

WeXl.Online has partnered with the Rotary Club of San Fernando South in delivering professional development to schools completely free of charge.

Please view the video for a program outline and click on the link to register your school.